The 2010 CEPEX Japan Studies Award

CEPEX is proud to be sponsoring the inaugural Japan Studies Award. The goal of this contest is to support young would-be professionals interested in Japan and to strengthen the overall U.S.-Japan relationship.

The 2010 Japan Studies Award was open to undergraduate students in good standing currently enrolled in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. There was no restriction on the major or field of study that the student was pursuing. Nor was it required that the participating student be enrolled in a Japanese language course. For consideration for the award, participants were required to submit a paper or project related to Japan as well as to respond to a CEPEX questionnaire. The winner was selected based on the quality of the submitted paper and questionnaire answers.

The winner of the 2010 Japan Studies Award will be granted a two-week internship at the Washington D.C. branch office of Sojitz Corporation of America, a company with strong ties to Japan, beginning June 14th. During the internship, the student will have the opportunity to sit in on hearings on Capitol Hill and attend events at local think-tanks. The winner will also be able to experience working with Japanese speakers and will contribute to office operations at Sojitz Corporation though meaningful research on international policy topics.

After completing the internship in Washington, the 2010 Japan Studies Award winner will be invited on a brief trip to Japan beginning in early July. The student will be able to further their interest in Japanese language and culture through a short internship at Sojitz Corporation’s headquarters in Tokyo and travel to Gunma Prefecture. While in Japan, the student will be encouraged to conduct in- depth, “on the ground” research to expand the findings of their original project.

CEPEX plans to continue this award indefinitely and will hold this contest again at George Mason University in 2011.

Many thanks to the Sojitz Foundation for their support of CEPEX and the Japan Studies Award

CEPEXはこの度Japan Studies Awardを設立することができ、大変光栄に思っております。この賞は、将来の若きアメリカ人日本専門家への支援、及び、日米関係の更なる強化を目指すものです。

2010年度のJapan Studies Awardは、米国バージニア州フェファックス郡にあるジョージメイソン大学人文科学部で学ぶ学部生を対象に行われましたが、応募者の専攻科目、日本語学習の有無は問わず、できるだけ幅広い参加を募りました。Japan Studies Award への応募者には、日本をテーマにしたプロジェクトの提出とCEPEX質問紙への回答が求められ、この2点の質を基に受賞者が選ばれました。

2010年度のJapan Studies Awardの受賞者は、6月14日から双日ワシントン事務所で2週間の企業研修を行うことになります。受賞者は、研修中、国会議事堂での公聴会やシンクタンクでのイベントへの参加、そして、日本語話者と仕事をする職場を体験しながら、国際政策に関するリサーチを通して、双日の事務作業に貢献することになります。


CEPEXは、今後も引き続きJapan Studies Awardを行っていく予定で、2011年度もジョージメイソン大学の学生を対象にJapan Studies Awardのコンテストを開催します。

【謝辞】末筆ながら、双日国際交流財団には、CEPEX、及び、Japan Studies Awardへのご支援を賜り、深く御礼申し上げます。