The Center For Professional Exchange

We are pleased to announce the winner of the Second Annual CEPEX Japan Studies Award.  We were impressed by the variety and quality of the numerous submissions we received.  After careful consideration, we narrowed down the applicants to three finalists: Tracy Kline, Lissett Medrano and Megan Pfeifle.  Our selection criteria for this year’s winner took into account the clarity and quality of the writing as well as the answers to the questions on the CEPEX submission form.

After careful deliberation, we are delighted to announce that this year’s winner and recipient of the 2011 CEPEX Japan Studies Award is Megan Pfeifle. Her project, “Visual Kei: A Universal Subculture” examined Japan’s underground “glam rock” scene.  As the 2011 CEPEX JSA winner, Megan will participate in a two-week internship in Washington, D.C. followed by a week-long trip to Japan to further her study of Japanese language, culture, and U.S.-Japan relations.  The trip to Japan is made possible by the generous support of All Nippon Airways (ANA).

The 2011 runners up are Tracy Kline and Lissett Medrano. Tracy wrote about the art and taboo of tattoos in Japan and Lissett discussed the history and controversy surrounding Japanese whaling. Congratulations Tracy and Lissett on being selected as finalists and on writing engaging and informative papers.

Given the strong interest in this year’s Japan Studies Award, CEPEX is pleased to announce that we will be holding this contest again next year. We look forward to evaluating submissions next spring.

Congratulations again to Megan Pfeifle and the other wonderful submissions for the 2011 CEPEX Japan Studies Award!

Justin Manger, CEPEX Co-Chairman & COO, Tokyo Office

Nikki Lindsay, CEPEX Co-Director, Washington, D.C. Office

Christy Busch, CEPEX Co- Director, Washington, D.C. Office



For more information on our sponsors, please visit http://www.sojitz-zaidan.or.jp/ and http://www.ana.co.jp/wws/us/e/wws_common/about_ana/.

Japan Studies Award

Today, in the May 10th edition of the Washington Times, there is a full page ad on the back of the first section. Below a sketched image of a firm handshake one simple word is written: Arigato.

This is one way the Japanese community, through the WA Project and with support from CEPEX, is saying thank you to America and Americans for their support and help as Japan recovers from the tsunami that devastated the northeastern part of the country on March 11th.

Take a look at the powerful image and message from a powerful grassroots project.

For background on the WA Project, read the Japanese press release and the English press release.


グローバルWA(輪)-DC プロジェクト


~ 「 ありがとう Arigatou 」を伝えよう ~


全世界4000万人を対象に地球一周する大きな「輪」で「和」を表現したい。それを新聞×SNSの相乗効果で図っていきます。 (広告イメージの一例 )





政府や企業による広告はすでにありますが、このプロジェクトでは、広告主体を 「Japanese Residents, Former Residents, and Friends of the U.S.A.」 とし、日本人・日系コミュニティの有志による所属・肩書きを超えた個人の立場からの、アメリカの友人に向けた感謝のメッセージとしたいと思います。全面広告には趣旨に賛同し、寄付をいただいた方々の氏名を、メッセージの下にローマ字で掲載させていただきます。

このプロジェクトは、日米友好の促進に貢献すると共に、被災地での救援・支援活動していただいたアメリカの友人、さらに首都DCで外交・政策作りに携わる人々に、日本の地震に関して情報を発信することで、被災地への関心を持ち続けてもらうことを目指します。こうした動きが、ワシントンを超え全米に、そして全世界に広がり、有志の活動が一つの「WA (輪と和)」 になって、被災者の支援と市民レベルでの友情を広げる大きなメッセージとなることを願っています。


趣旨に賛同し、プロジェクトをご支援いただける場合には、1口30ドル以上で次の方法で寄付をお願い致します。 寄付の第一次締め切りは4月29日、第二次締め切りは5月23日とさせていただきます。

*グローバルWA(輪)-DCプロジェクトでは、日米のプロフェッショナルの交流促進を使命とする501(c)(3)団体 (CEPEX) 「The Center for Professional Exchange」 の協力を受け、寄付の受け皿となっていただきました。本プロジェクトのご指定をいただいた寄付はすべて本プロジェクトに使わせていただきます。

①     小切手の場合:払込み先を「CEPEX」または「Center for Professional Exchange」とし、メモ欄に「for Global WA-DC Project」と記入、「Global WA-DC Project, c/o Aki Naganuma P.O. BOX 70922 Washington DC, 20024」へ送付ください。その際には、希望される掲載氏名(ローマ字表記)、Eメール、電話番号をお知らせください。領収書が必要な場合はEメール致します。

②     クレジットカードの場合:Center for Professional Exchangeのウェブサイト(http://www.cepex.org/)の「Donate to CEPEX」 のページから、「Donate」をクリックするとPayPalのページに行きます。必要な情報を入力してください。確認のページに中ごろにある、「Please enter amount here」の「+」マークをクリックすると、メッセージ記入欄が出てきます。ここに「for Global WA-DC Project」と指名、さらに希望される掲載氏名(ローマ字表記)を記入してください。

③     日本からの場合:Center for Professional Exchangeのウェブサイト(http://www.cepex.org/)の「Donate to CEPEX」 のページから、「Donate」をクリックするとPayPalのページに行きます。クレジットカードの情報を入力する際に、Country欄で「日本」と選択すると、日本のクレジットカードで寄付いただけます。必要な情報を入力してください。 確認のページに中ごろにある、「Please enter amount here」の「+」マークをクリックすると、メッセージ記入欄が出てきます。ここに「for Global WA-DC Project」と指名、さらに希望される掲載氏名(ローマ字表記)を記入してください。


竹沢 徳剛 (202-465-6167、 noritaka@take-z.net)

長沼 亜紀 (202-834-0694、naganuma.dc@gmail.com)

*グローバルWA(輪)-DC プロジェクト : (4月16日、現在)





協 力:The Center for Professional Exchange (CEPEX)、


An outgrowth of the WA Project (“Like” their Facebook page here), the Japanese community is saying “Thank you, America” for the United States’ assistance as Japan emerges from the triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. This assistance includes the U.S. military’s Operation Tomodachi along with numerous NGOs, U.S. government agencies, volunteers, and fundraising efforts by Americans in Japan and in the United States.

The “Arigatou, America” campaign aims to say thank you through full page announcements in local newspapers across the U.S. and eventually the world, starting with the Washington Times and Washington Post in the nation’s capital.

The evolution of the project will take this form:

newspapers⇒announcement, social networking⇒diffusion = new and powerful worldwide grassroots network.

Get involved by donating through the PayPal button on this website. Write “for WA Project” in the memo section when you make your contribution. A minimum donation of $30 is recommended. Since CEPEX is a 501(c) (3) organization, receipts are available upon request for tax purposes.

The Japanese summary of the project below can also be found in this PDF.

グローバルWA(輪)-DC プロジェクト


~ 「 ありがとう Arigato 」を伝えよう ~


全世界4000万人を対象に地球一周する大きな「輪」で「和」を表現したい。それを新聞×SNSの相乗効果で図っていきます。 (広告イメージの一例 )





政府や企業による広告はすでにありますが、このプロジェクトでは、広告主体を 「Japanese Residents, Former Residents, and Friends of the U.S.A.」 とし、日本人・日系コミュニティの有志による所属・肩書きを超えた個人の立場からの、アメリカの友人に向けた感謝のメッセージとしたいと思います。全面広告には趣旨に賛同し、寄付をいただいた方々の氏名を、メッセージの下にローマ字で掲載させていただきます。

このプロジェクトは、日米友好の促進に貢献すると共に、被災地での救援・支援活動していただいたアメリカの友人、さらに首都DCで外交・政策作りに携わる人々に、日本の地震に関して情報を発信することで、被災地への関心を持ち続けてもらうことを目指します。こうした動きが、ワシントンを超え全米に、そして全世界に広がり、有志の活動が一つの「WA (輪と和)」 になって、被災者の支援と市民レベルでの友情を広げる大きなメッセージとなることを願っています。


趣旨に賛同し、プロジェクトをご支援いただける場合には、1口30ドル以上で次の方法で寄付をお願い致します。 寄付の第一次締め切りは4月29日とさせていただきます。

*グローバルWA(輪)-DCプロジェクトでは、日米のプロフェッショナルの交流促進を使命とする501(c)(3)団体 (CEPEX) 「The Center for Professional Exchange」 の協力を受け、寄付の受け皿となっていただきました。本プロジェクトのご指定をいただいた寄付はすべて本プロジェクトに使わせていただきます。

①     小切手の場合:払込み先を「CEPEX」または「Center for Professional Exchange」とし、メモ欄に「for Global WA-DC Project」と記入、「Global WA-DC Project, c/o Aki Naganuma P.O. BOX 70922 Washington DC, 20024」へ送付ください。その際には、希望される掲載氏名(ローマ字表記)、Eメール、電話番号をお知らせください。領収書が必要な場合はEメール致します。

②     クレジットカードの場合:Center for Professional Exchangeのウェブサイト(http://www.cepex.org/)の「Donate to CEPEX」 のページから、「Donate」をクリックするとPayPalのページに行きます。必要な情報を入力してください。確認のページに中ごろにある、「Please enter amount here」の「+」マークをクリックすると、メッセージ記入欄が出てきます。ここに「for Global WA-DC Project」と指名、さらに希望される掲載氏名(ローマ字表記)を記入してください。

③     日本からの場合:Center for Professional Exchangeのウェブサイト(http://www.cepex.org/)の「Donate to CEPEX」 のページから、「Donate」をクリックするとPayPalのページに行きます。クレジットカードの情報を入力する際に、Country欄で「日本」と選択すると、日本のクレジットカードで寄付いただけます。必要な情報を入力してください。 確認のページに中ごろにある、「Please enter amount here」の「+」マークをクリックすると、メッセージ記入欄が出てきます。ここに「for Global WA-DC Project」と指名、さらに希望される掲載氏名(ローマ字表記)を記入してください。


竹沢 徳剛 (202-465-6167、 noritaka@take-z.net)

長沼 亜紀 (202-834-0694、naganuma.dc@gmail.com)

*グローバルWA(輪)-DC プロジェクト : (4月16日、現在)





協 力:The Center for Professional Exchange (CEPEX)、


友情の庭 Yujo no Niwa, or friendship garden, at Great Fall Elementary School in Virginia

One of CEPEX’s founders, Yukio Tada, was in Washington, DC for business last week. Even given his hectic schedule, he was able to meet with Great Falls Elementary PTA members for lunch. Great Falls Elementary is fortunate to be part of Fairfax County Public School’s Partial Language Immersion Program for Japanese.  Approximately 25% of its students in grades 1-6 participate in the program daily.

At the get together Mr. Tada was presented with a letter from Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Jack Dale, personally thanking him for the work being done by CEPEX and other like-minded organizations on the Japanese immersion program over the last 20 years.

The parents of students with which Mr. Tada met also left a message:

“We hope you enjoyed reuniting with the parents of the multiple “generations” of students who have benefited and will continue to benefit from the Japanese Immersion Program that you helped launch 20 years ago.  It is amazing to see the progress that has been made through the letters and photographs you gave us, and both the County and parents appreciate all that you and your colleagues have done to support the program’s many successes.  It was a pleasure to meet and gain a better understanding of the programs at George Mason and Georgetown Universities and we look forward to future collaboration with our own Great Falls community.

Here’s to international grassroots power!

Those interested in applying for the 2nd Annual CEPEX Japan Studies Award may be wondering if the tragic earthquake and tsunami that Japan experienced on March 11th has affected the program or its award, which includes a trip to Japan, given everything that has been going on since 3/11.

The CEPEX executive officers would like to assure you that the 2011 award program will be carried out as planned. We can, however,  be flexible in regards to scheduling the trip to Japan given the uncertainty of the current situation there. The 2011 winner’s trip will be arranged based on CEPEX’s assessment of the situation in Japan, our staff and the student’s schedules, and other considerations. The Washington, D.C. internship portion of the award is likely to stay on schedule for late spring/early summer. Thanks for your continued interest and we’re looking forward to judging your projects!

The 2011 CEPEX Board Meeting was held at Diet Member & CEPEX Vice-Chairwoman Mieko Nakabayashi-san’s office on February 24, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan.

From left to right: Mieko Nakabayashi, Vice Chairwoman; Justin Manger, Co-Chairman and COO; John Basalla, Co-Chairman & CFO; Yukio Tada, Chairman of the Board.

On Saturday, November 27th, the  Global Policy Initiative (GPI) held its 2010 Tokyo Forum at Josai International University with the support of CEPEX. Chairman of the Board Yukio Tada was on hand for the event and gave closing remarks. Justin Manger, from the CEPEX Washington, D.C., office was in Tokyo for business and dropped by briefly before heading to the airport.

The event drew approximately 80 participants. Sessions were held on Japan’s economic growth strategies and challenges as well as the immigration debate regarding bringing  in more foreign workers. A recap will be published by GPI shortly. For the time being, event details can be found here in Japanese:


CEPEX, in conjunction with the CU Center for Asian Studies, hosted its first ever seminar on U.S.-Japan environmental sustainability at the University of Colorado, Boulder on Tuesday, November 8th. The event was a huge success with approximately 60 students, educators, and members of the community braving snowy weather to attend. The event brought together those passionate about sustainability and the U.S.-Japan alliance. In addition, it raised awareness and introduced others to the relationship through the three expert panelists who  discussed the differing approaches to education and sustainability practices: Dan Bihn, Eric Wilson, and Dai Kato. Their bios can be found here.   A networking reception was held afterwards where scholars and students mingled over appetizers and exchanged ideas for improving environmental knowledge and practice in both countries.

CEPEX co-sponsored the first ISG (International Study Group) closed workshop on “Building Sustainable Peace and Security” with the Gulf Research Center and Sojitz Research Institute at the Japanese Diet Members Building on Tuesday, October 26.

This event was a brand new initiative and “Chatham House Rules” applied.

1. Topics: In addition to Far East Asia, we discussed India, the rest of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, and created a comfortable, non-public atmosphere where experts could candidly exchange views on how to vigorously and creatively build sustainable peace and security in the region.

2. Participants: In addition to experts from think tanks and universities, invitees included non-partisan Diet members and related government officials, business and defense industry representatives, NPOs, and embassy staff from all over the world.

Opening Remarks:  Hon. Mieko Nakabayashi, CEPEX Vice Chairwoman

Guest Remarks:  Hon. Shinzo Abe, Former Prime Minister

Moderator: Yukio Tada, CEPEX Chairman of the Board

Session #1  Where Does Japan Stand?
by Tomohiko Taniguchi, Senior Guest Fellow, Sojitz Research Institute

Session #2 Transforming the Unstable Situation in the Middle East

by Dr. Mustafa Alani, Senior Adviser, the Gulf Research Center, Dubai, UAE

Session #3 Does the War on Terror Pay?
by Dr. Keiichiro Komatsu, Senior Guest Fellow, Sojitz Research Institute, London, UK